Rakesh - Architecte AMAZON AWS
Ref : 200128M001-
Architecte, DevOps, DBA (47 ans)
StatutBientôt freelance
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Freelance Solution Architect on Skywise Platform
Airbus Helicopters, MarginaneJan 2018 - aujourd'huiI have worked with Airbus Helicopters to provide Big Data and Platform expertise since June’18 as a freelance. I have been working as a main Solution Architect for Airbus Helicopters on their Big Data Platform called Skywise. I worked on several projects where Airbus Helicopters is looking to consolidate old database / server state into a big data platform provided by Palantir. I have architected, designed and supported mission critical systems like manufacturing, customer services and maintenance. It gives me opportunity to use my skills efficiently in all areas. I also help other team members to train on new technologies, services and systems. I have working knowledge of Big Data technologies such as HortonWorks and NoSQL databases. I worked on projects from initiation, define and implementation. This involved following company policies and standards for implementing. I have implemented highly available databases in Cloud. I have been complimented on several occasions that amount detail I go into while documenting for the projects. The documentation involves working on MS Visio diagrams, High Level Design / ARD, Low Level Design, operation handover documents. I always look into simplify the complexity as much as possible whether it’s a document, technical or process.
T-Systems, Bristol Freelance Big Data Architect
Jan 2013 - Jan 2018I have worked with T-Systems to provide Big Database and Platform expertise since April’13 for their client BT(British Telecom). I worked on several projects where BT is looking to consolidate old server state into virtualized environment. I have architected, designed and supported missing critical systems like billing, payment and retail.
Solution Architect
T-Systems Ltd, BristolJan 2011 - Jan 2013I was a senior member in a team of 12 administrators responsible from more than 1000+ servers in 4 datacenters running different Database(Oracle,MSSQL,MySQL) and Linux/UNIX flavors sites across UK. We supported revenue generating mission critical server environments on a 24/7 basis. We assist a large user base working alongside various application support teams based both on site and offshore.
UNIX Support Analyst
Orange PCS LtdJan 2004 - Jan 2007Day to Day Unix system administration role of supporting. Planning, conditioning and documenting disaster recovery (DR) tests. Work with ITIL organizations within company to resolve issues. Proactive work to fix re-occurring problems on Linux/Unix systems. Perform security audits, server hardening and contribute to security baselines.
Firewall Analyst
Orange PCS LtdJan 2001 - Jan 2004This role was to create/amend/delete rules on checkpoint firewalls which were installed on Solaris. I also worked in firewall team to resolve and improve existing security policies and documents.
Systems Administrator Client: Cisco Systems Ltd, Glasgow
DSQ Software LtdDelhiJan 2000 - Jan 2001I was system administration at DSQ software to provide UNIX support to their software development offices across India and Abroad. This job involved setting up and maintaining patches on Jumpstart/Boot servers for OS installation of new Sun hardware as per requirement, on different subnets.
Systems Administrator
Chipsoft Techonology & CMS Computers Ltd., Delhi _Samtel India, BhiwadiJan 1996 - Jan 2000I was a customer engineer responsible for hardware,OS maintenance and system administration at various client locations. In this job I was system administrator at one of the client which had wide range of technologies like Novell Netware, Windows 3.1, SCO-UNIX, Solaris.
Skills Set:
Emerging Technologies BlockChain, AI & Machine Learning, IoT, Digital Mobile Platforms
Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, HP-UX, Solaris, Ubuntu
IAAS/PAAS AWS, GCP, Azure, Openstack, OpenShift, Open Telecom Cloud (T-Systems)
Database Oracle, Netezza, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Cassandra(NoSQL), HortonWorks (Hadoop), Palantir Foundry
Virtualization VMware ESXi, LPAR, KVM,QEMU
Automation BMC Bladelogic, Ansible, Puppet, RHEL Satellite, Jenkins
Networking TCP/IP, DNS, NFS, NIS, Samba, LDAP, SSL, SAML
High Availability Docker, Container, Kubernetes, Amazon ECS(AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure
Tools JIRA, Confluence, HP Service Manager, BMC Remedy, GIT
Monitoring Nagios, HP PV, AppDynamics, check-mk, Splunk
Programming Python, PHP , Spark/Scala, Shell Scripting
TOGAF Certified Solutions Architect
Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architect
Google Cloud Platform Trainings
Microsoft Azure Solution Architect
IBM Certified Netezza / Puredata Specialist (Big Data)
Oracle Certified Professional on DBA
Redhat Certified
Sun Certified Solaris Administrator
ITIL Certified Professional
Computer Engineering from C.R. Engineering University, Rohtak, India in 1996
Emerging Technologies BlockChain, AI & Machine Learning, IoT, Digital Mobile Platforms
Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, HP-UX, Solaris, Ubuntu
IAAS/PAAS AWS, GCP, Azure, Openstack, OpenShift, Open Telecom Cloud (T-Systems)
Database Oracle, Netezza, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Cassandra(NoSQL), HortonWorks (Hadoop), Palantir Foundry
Virtualization VMware ESXi, LPAR, KVM,QEMU
Automation BMC Bladelogic, Ansible, Puppet, RHEL Satellite, Jenkins
Networking TCP/IP, DNS, NFS, NIS, Samba, LDAP, SSL, SAML
High Availability Docker, Container, Kubernetes, Amazon ECS(AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure
Tools JIRA, Confluence, HP Service Manager, BMC Remedy, GIT
Monitoring Nagios, HP PV, AppDynamics, check-mk, Splunk
Programming Python, PHP , Spark/Scala, Shell Scripting
TOGAF Certified Solutions Architect
Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architect
Google Cloud Platform Trainings
Microsoft Azure Solution Architect
IBM Certified Netezza / Puredata Specialist (Big Data)
Oracle Certified Professional on DBA
Redhat Certified
Sun Certified Solaris Administrator
ITIL Certified Professional
Computer Engineering from C.R. Engineering University, Rohtak, India in 1996