Ammar - Data Scientist TALEND
Ref : 230105I001-
Concepteur BD, Data Scientist, Administrateur Bases de Données (64 ans)
MobilitéTélétravail uniquement
StatutEn cours d'immatriculation
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

consultant Grenoble, France
Jan 2023 - aujourd'huiStarting a new activity as a freelance consultant in Business Intelligence and Data Engineering
2014 - 2022
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Grenoble, France
Architected and designed a Datawarehouse for the installed base of the HPE Communication & Media Solutions organization (a $150M business word wide organization),
Implemented data extraction and transformation using Talend ETL from SAP BW, SAP S4 (Hive), BOE and several other data sources.
Defined and implemented BI reporting using Knowage, PowerBI and connected Excel reports.
Led a team to maintain this Datawarehouse solution.
Quality Manager
Hewlett Packard, Grenoble, France
Managed the quality of products/solutions (building quality plan, defining & monitoring quality criteria, compliance to quality processes, requirement traceability),
Formalized new quality processes,
Accelerated the adoption of software engineering tools and the compliance to corporate policies across the organization,
Led transversal quality assessments and improvement projects. -
Program Manager
2010 - aujourd'huiHewlett Packard, Grenoble, France
Led the Knowledge Management program for my organization: Orchestrated content acquisition and promoted the reuse of existing assets,
Managed a program to harmonize the architecture of HP/OpenCall software products,
Promoted a collaborative software development model for the common components implementing this architecture, -
Technical lead
Hewlett Packard, Grenoble, France2000 - 2006Led a taskforce on high availability & scalability; a critical topic of this architecture.
Led several investigations in the context of a wide program in HP/OpenCall on IP multimedia subsystem (IMS),
Led the developments of several protocols (CS2, Camel Phase 2, MAP2 GPRS),
Supervised the replacement of a third-party component in HP/OpenCall portfolio. -
Freelance consultant
Worked for several companies1995 - 2000HP, Grenoble, France. Designed and implemented several functionalities (licensing, Isup and Tcap stacks) on HP/OpenCall IN platform (UML, HP-UX, C++),
ALCATEL Telecom, Zaventem, Belgium. Developed tests for the network management system (HP-UX, lisp); led an improvement plan on testing strategy and coding standards,
ALMA, Grenoble, France. Designed and implemented a framework for defining an industrial process on top of a CAD model; developed a code generator of robot trajectory targeting several robot languages (UNIX, C),
ALEPH Technologies, Grenoble, France, pre-sales consultant. -
Project Manager & Software Engineer
1989 - 1995ALEPH Technologies (INRIA startup acquired by ALMA), Grenoble, France
Led several projects for industrial CAD-CAM system for robots offline-programming (Arcwelding robots for Caterpillar; collision-free path planning based on sensors for DRET and
Renault Automation; maintenance of water turbines for EDF,
Participated to the design and development of ACT: a software for robots off-line programming, UNIX/C.
Engineering degree ISSAT, Damascus, Syria Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologies. Engineering degree in Computer Science.
Business Intelligence, System Architecture & Design, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics,
Telecommunication, Program Management.
Professional Skills
• Mastering database design & development, data transformation, data warehousing, data analysis, reporting, using various BI systems and tools,
• Excellent knowledge in artificial intelligence technics and algorithms,
• Solid understanding of quality management processes, thinking ahead to identify risks and building contingency plans,
• Good knowledge in telecommunications protocols,
• Proven project management skills, in both waterfall and agile methodologies,
• Efficient influencer in leading complex programs across functional and technical teams,
• Strong leadership and excellent communication,
• In depth understanding of software development processes
INPG-LIFIA laboratory, Grenoble, France
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale et d'Intelligence Artificielle. Research on coupling perception and motion in Robotics. Work involved the implementation of a grasp planning system based on 3D sensor. Published 3 Papers; 2 in IEEE on Robotics and Automation (1990 and 1991).
Postgraduate degree
ENSIMAG-INPG, Grenoble, France
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées. D.E.A in artificial intelligence. Inference of object equilibrium from contacts representation. Published a Paper
ISSAT, Damascus, Syria
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologies. Engineering degree in Computer
French nationality