Eric - Chef de projet DB2
Ref : 040715G002-
38400 SMH
Chef de projet, Développeur (67 ans)
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

International Project manager
Société Générale consumer FinanceJan 2009 - aujourd'hui Greece
Kazaksthan , Ukrainia
Manager Project
• SGCF : Société Générale Consumer Loan
- Country Manager and Follow up of a EVOLAN Software from SOPRA.
Revolving with Card (oberthus)
Consumer loan
Car Loan
Dual Currency
- Management of AS400 and hot line process set up
Message wait followup
Migration on IASPModel
Set up of DRP
Hot line
- Development RPG ILE, SQL, COBOL on EVOLAN and third party.
- Organization of Steering Meeting, management of MOA team and Technical developers
- Writing specifications, interfaces, middleware.
- Follow up and steering Project development team ( C# , visual studio, Delphi 2007) and the Middleware AS400
• Exclusive reseller and trainer in France for all the ASNA Products ( basis in S. Antonio Texas)
- Visual RPG for .NET
- Monarch ( AS400 translator in ASP.NET application)
- Accelarator 8 : Middleware Windows/AS400
- DB2 standalone. -
Project manager : Management of 8 persons:
Crédit Immobilier de l’EST , VOLVO ,BNP BAIL, SANPAOLO bankJan 2005 - Jan 2006Project manager : Management of 8 persons:
• Credit Immobilier de METZ and Strasbourg. All the points below developed thru an AS400, in RPG ILE , Delphi, and PROGRESS 8
- Manager Project and Follow up of a transfer database an application from LOGOS Bank Software on AS400 to VINCI Progress Database on UNIX.
- Creation of due diligence database for “titrisation”
- Bank Accounting check and follow up
- Risk Basel II,
- Insurances CNP
• Maintain : SIEL ( software for Leasing, Floor Plan) : RPG III , ILE
Clinique Belledonne, BNP BAIL, SANPAOLO bankJan 2004 - Jan 2005
Project manager: Management of 5 persons:
• I drived a complete project for a medical-radiology establishment. All the Analysis, Design and Development were completed around full intranet technologies and Interfaced with RIS and PACS Multi-Site server in DICOM/3. (Radiologie de Belledonne 38400 St Martin D’hères FRANCE) MySql and Firebird were used as the back-end database running on a Windows 2000 Server. Interface with an AS/400 and Client-Access in Client server-Development. ActiveX component was used to interact with the Vital Card and PS Card (French patient's authorization to receive medical services). Migration from DB2/400 to Firebird and MySql. (500.000 client's data, Reports, 10.000.000 accounting entries).
- RPG ILE, C on AS400, DELPHI, C#
• Provides a complete intranet management solution for SERNAM Rail Express (THEMYSIA Paris 2004).The application consists of handling packages by SERNAM on every TGV rail-station (DELPHI400, INTRAWEB, WEBSNAP, IIS , DB2/400).
• Maintain : SIEL ( software for Leasing, Floor Plan) : RPG III , ILE
GEMPLUS, Bouygues Telecom et Telefonica, BNP BAILJan 2003 - Jan 2004
Project manager: Management of 2 persons:
• Project manager and architect of an application using SIM GSM and bankcards. Java Applet for TELEFONICA (Madrid 2003): ECommerce solution for cellular phone equipped with a GEMPLUS JAVA card. Tools: Borland JBuilder 7, Sun Java Card specifications and Gemplus Java Card extension API.
o – JBUILDER, JAVACARD Api’s from SUN, JAVACARD middleware from GEMPLUS
• For the Company ISCO creation and maintain of SIEL ( software for Leasing, Floor Plan) : RPG III , ILE
the FIREALPE GROUP which represents 6 credit immobilier in the Rhone –Alpes Counties. -
2003 - aujourd'hui
Managing complete life cycle for many applications in various domains as finance, mortgage loans, banking accounting for "Le Crédit Immobilier de Grenoble".
Conception of Client/Server programs to accomplish finance number crunching (ALM)., titrisation, creation of Due diligence for Société Générale (AAA)- RPG ILE, DELPHI 6 -
2003 - aujourd'hui
Banking application maintenance, support and follow-up for more than 250 users.
Merging 120.000 loans from ALDA Group (Auvergne, DROME) into the FIREALPES database (DB2/400).
Client/Server (Delphi, C++) program to migrate data from Sybase to DB2/400. ( to LOGOS) -
2002 - aujourd'hui
Installation migration and Merge of 3 AS400 Model 520 (Paris,Lyon , Grenoble) to a model 820 Bi partition in the GIE INFOGROUP of METZ ( Olivier LINGAT )
2002 - aujourd'hui
Conception of a Portal web site for professionals to gather and present information about the AS/400's world: ******** (> 100000 hits)
2002 - aujourd'hui
BCD WebSmart exclusive supplier in France. Solution forWeb development on AS400
2000 - 2003
PACKAGE’IT 400 used to deploy AS/400 libraries from the web, ftp, CD-ROM.
Accounting: International, Ledger , Auxiliary, Banking, RISK BASEL II, Titrisation(due diligence) (15 years experience)
Sales management, Marketing Invoicing Stock management: locally, In bound.
AS400 Middleware creation : Aspect Computing LANSA (Sidney Australia ) ASNA ( San Antonio TX)
Currently – CNAM GRENOBLE : PostGraduate Degree following a master
1998 – 2005 Diploma Engineer ASNA San Antonio Texas .
1981 - 1982 CUEFA – GRENOBLE DPCT 2 Year University Degree in Statistics/Mathematics
1979 - 1980 L- MICHEL GRENOBLE High Scool Diploma
French: Fluent
English: Advanced
Spanish: average
Russian: Beginner
2007 - EVOLAN Pack – SOPRA, Société Générale
2006 - ASNA Visual Studio 2005 C# .NET,/V.RPG/Monarch : San Antonio Texas
2003 -JAVACARD GEMPLUS – Company URCEL (For Telephonica, Bouygues Telecom)
2002 - (AS400) WEBSMART - BCD : Chicago US and VanCouver Canada
2002 - (AS400) MIMIX / ANAEL Accounting : GEAC Garches France
2002 -(AS400) Titri , .Due diligence, RISK, BASEL II : GROUPE ALDA C.I Rhone-Alpes( SE France)
2001 -(AS400) SIEL ( software for Leasing, Floor Plan) : Company ISCO
2000 - Training PHP / MySQL /J2EE/.NET (self Training)
1998 - (AS400) ASNA Visual RPG in Sans Antonio Texas : Exclusive Reseller in France
1996 - (AS400) Interface Olympic as400/ MVS Credit Agricole
1995 - Training C++/DELPHI : EASII.
1994 - (AS400) Training LANSA –Server / Aspect Computing SIDNEY.
1993 -(AS400) LANSA : Aspect Computing England (LANSAHOUSE)
1991 - (AS400) Training LOGOS /SILVERBANK : FIREALPES .
1990 - (AS400) Training LANSA : RMH/ .
1990 - (AS400) Training ADELIA : CIG
1990 - (AS400) Synon : CIG
1990 - Training MERISE : IBSI Grenoble.
1989 - (AS400) Training IBM AS-400 Credit Immobilier de Grenoble
1988 - (38/36) GEODE: Experia CIG
1984 - (38/36) Training IBM S/38 : PRECI ( France )
DELPHI 4 to 2007.
Visual Studio 2003/2005 C#,
Builder C++ V5
API’s OS400
Jbuilder 7.0
Network : TCP/IP SNA
ASNA Visual RPG for .NET
Accounting: International, Ledger , Auxiliary, Banking, RISK BASEL II, Titrisation(due diligence) (15 years experience)
Sales management, Marketing Invoicing Stock management: locally, In bound.
AS400 Middleware creation : Aspect Computing LANSA (Sidney Australia ) ASNA ( San Antonio TX)
Currently – CNAM GRENOBLE : PostGraduate Degree following a master
1998 – 2005 Diploma Engineer ASNA San Antonio Texas .
1981 - 1982 CUEFA – GRENOBLE DPCT 2 Year University Degree in Statistics/Mathematics
1979 - 1980 L- MICHEL GRENOBLE High Scool Diploma
French: Fluent
English: Advanced
Spanish: average
Russian: Beginner
2007 - EVOLAN Pack – SOPRA, Société Générale
2006 - ASNA Visual Studio 2005 C# .NET,/V.RPG/Monarch : San Antonio Texas
2003 -JAVACARD GEMPLUS – Company URCEL (For Telephonica, Bouygues Telecom)
2002 - (AS400) WEBSMART - BCD : Chicago US and VanCouver Canada
2002 - (AS400) MIMIX / ANAEL Accounting : GEAC Garches France
2002 -(AS400) Titri , .Due diligence, RISK, BASEL II : GROUPE ALDA C.I Rhone-Alpes( SE France)
2001 -(AS400) SIEL ( software for Leasing, Floor Plan) : Company ISCO
2000 - Training PHP / MySQL /J2EE/.NET (self Training)
1998 - (AS400) ASNA Visual RPG in Sans Antonio Texas : Exclusive Reseller in France
1996 - (AS400) Interface Olympic as400/ MVS Credit Agricole
1995 - Training C++/DELPHI : EASII.
1994 - (AS400) Training LANSA –Server / Aspect Computing SIDNEY.
1993 -(AS400) LANSA : Aspect Computing England (LANSAHOUSE)
1991 - (AS400) Training LOGOS /SILVERBANK : FIREALPES .
1990 - (AS400) Training LANSA : RMH/ .
1990 - (AS400) Training ADELIA : CIG
1990 - (AS400) Synon : CIG
1990 - Training MERISE : IBSI Grenoble.
1989 - (AS400) Training IBM AS-400 Credit Immobilier de Grenoble
1988 - (38/36) GEODE: Experia CIG
1984 - (38/36) Training IBM S/38 : PRECI ( France )
DELPHI 4 to 2007.
Visual Studio 2003/2005 C#,
Builder C++ V5
API’s OS400
Jbuilder 7.0
Network : TCP/IP SNA
ASNA Visual RPG for .NET