Bien que ce soit un poste relativement nouveau, les responsabilités du chief data officer (CDO) se sont considérablement élargies. Au-delà de la simple valorisation des données, le rôle du CDO peut englober désormais la science des données, l'analyse, les processus commerciaux, les initiatives marketing, le développement de produits, les chaînes d'approvisionnement, et l'engagement des clients et des employés. Rien que ça !
Véritable expert dans la gestion de la data, le CDO revêt une importance de premier plan pour guider la stratégie d'entreprise à travers l'exploitation intelligente des informations. Découvrez comment ce métier orchestre la collecte, l'analyse et la sécurisation des données, tout en assurant leur conformité et leur utilisation optimale afin de transformer les défis de l’ère digitale en opportunités d'affaires.
Imaginez que les données d'une entreprise soient comme l'argent conservé dans une banque. Le CDO est le directeur de cette banque de données. Sa mission principale est de s'assurer que cet "argent" (les données) est bien gardé, organisé et utilisé de manière optimale.
Comme un directeur de banque qui gère les dépôts, les retraits et les investissements, le CDO gère la collecte des données, leur stockage sécurisé (la conservation de l'argent dans des coffres-forts) et leur utilisation pour des décisions stratégiques (comme investir l'argent pour un bénéfice futur). Il veille à ce que les données soient accessibles pour ceux qui en ont besoin dans l'entreprise, tout en s'assurant qu'elles sont protégées contre les accès non autorisés. C’est un peu comme un directeur de banque qui s'assure que seuls les clients autorisés peuvent accéder à leur argent.
En outre, le CDO analyse ces données pour en tirer des informations précieuses, comme un conseiller financier qui analyse les tendances du marché pour conseiller ses clients sur les meilleurs investissements. Par exemple, en analysant les tendances des ventes, le CDO peut aider l'entreprise à comprendre quels produits sont les plus demandés et pourquoi.
Le rôle principal d'un Chief Data Officer (CDO) est de gérer et d'optimiser l'utilisation des données au sein d'une entreprise. Ce poste clé implique une combinaison de compétences techniques, de gestion et de vision stratégique.
Le CDO a donc plusieurs responsabilités et activités à effectuer :
Le salaire d'un Chief Data Officer (CDO) en France reflète son importance stratégique. Selon les données fournies par Glassdoor, voici un aperçu de la rémunération moyenne pour ce poste :
Le Taux Journalier Moyen (TJM) pour un Chief Data Officer (CDO) en freelance est variable. Il dépend en grande partie de l'expérience et de la localisation géographique.
TJM Moyen :
TJM selon l’Expérience :
Vous devez disposer de plusieurs compétences clés pour pouvoir postuler à ce rôle et obtenir ce niveau de rémunération.
Voici les étapes clés pour vous former et acquérir les compétences nécessaires à ce rôle de grande ampleur :
Diplôme de Niveau Bac +5 : Un Master en data management, statistiques, data science ou big data est souvent requis. Un diplôme d'école d'ingénieurs ou de commerce avec une spécialisation en data management ou en big data est également très valorisé.
Formations Complémentaires : Des formations en management, marketing, gestion, ou en intelligence économique peuvent être pertinentes pour comprendre les enjeux stratégiques des données.
Rôles dans la Data : Acquérir une expérience professionnelle dans des rôles liés à la data, tels que data analyst, data scientist, ou data manager.
Gestion de projets transverses : Une expérience dans la gestion de projets transverses, impliquant différentes parties prenantes, est souvent requise.
Dans l’univers de la data, plusieurs métiers possèdent certaines attributions ou missions du CDO. Voici quelques exemples :
Un CDO doit maîtriser un large éventail d’outils et de méthodologies pour assurer toutes ses fonctions. Nous vous donnons un aperçu de cette vaste boîte à outils :
Pour finir, voyons les évolutions possibles après avoir été chief data officer pendant quelques années :
BNP Paribas launched a major Program aiming to migrate all entities in a single accounting system OFS “One Financial System”. Next to this migration, BNP Paribas want’s to harmonize all his P&L reconciliation Business Processes using the Target tool “Heracles” which is mainly plugged on the Accounting System OFS. Heracles is an in-house tool fed with Accounting Data (OFS, CODA, Atlas…) and Economic data from middle-Office systems (X-Target, PLATO and several other Post Trade Systems). Heracles enables du reconciliate Economic vision of P&L with Accounting vision. Aligning economic and Accounting P&L is a major a critical process in financial reporting process.
- OFS Migrations : Business Analyst in charge of London Branch and Geneva OFS migration. Assisting Financial control teams in taking in chanrge new control framework based on Heracles features. In charge of setting paralell runs and non regression tests to validate accounting migrations using the Heracles reporting tool. Key difficulty in Accounting migration validation is to explain and qualify each break (Comparing reconciliations based on old and new Accounting system).
- Heracles BAU : Improvements, setting up new features, setting up new reconciliations on new products.
- Support and Closing Processes : Break Analysis, remediations and close support (including week-ends) during closing period.
Main role – Senior Business Analyst
o Key dialogue partner for Business and IT teams, in charge of understanding stakes, business needs and prioritizing demands
o Assisting Business and IT in the Change Process and collecting new Business requirements
o Writing functional specifications, testing the new features, leading User Acceptance Tests and collecting Business Sign-Offs.
o Support to end users and internal It teams.
Natixis launched the ASTRE project aiming to federate and enslave all Analytical referential of the group to a single Golden Source. “ASTRE” has to provide a unique and exhaustive access to certified data for all Key Business Processes (Financial reports, Risk, Compliance, regulatory reporting, P&L..). Stake was to align all reporting to a single and certified consolidation hierarchy.
- ASTRE - Setup: Designing, the Golden Source features and enslaving various local referential (like MAPPING, ENOX, …) to ASTRE. In parallel, we assisted all downstream of those enslaved referential to consume ASTRE data.
Product owner on Features teams (Agile @Scale) & Study Leader
In the context of his Data Strategy and major regulatory stakes (VOLCKER, MIFID, BCBS 239, BREXIT…), GBS build a Trade and Positions Data warehouse “TPS/GOLD” aiming to provide a unique and exhaustive access to certified data for all Key Business Processes (Financial reports, Risk, Compliance, regulatory reporting, P&L..). It occurs in the context of major IT transformations (Big Data, Agile @Scale) which change the paradigm and move Governance from Application level to Data Domain level.
Main role - Deputy Product Ownership in delegation of GBIS Chief Data Officer
o Key dialogue partner for Business and IT teams, in charge of understanding stakes, business needs and prioritizing demands
o Custodian of coherence on users request implementation accordingly to global IS and Data Strategy
o Participate to Governance and conduct weekly Sponsor Committee chaired by Chief Data Officer.
Additional roles
o Study Leader on “UIDV/X-Refs”: In close relation with end users and Architecture teams. Study aiming to propagate unique Trade Identification and Version all across the IS.
o Study Leader on Data Offer & Governance: In close relation with Key Stakeholders. Study aiming to define global Data Offer and associated Governance in a context of BIG data & Agile @Scale transformation.
o Product Owner on «Cygnus »: Project aiming to decommission the application “DISTRIB”
o Product Owner on « Inventory Management Study »: In close relation with End Users and Architecture teams. Study aiming to define common inventories for Risk & Finance (BCBS 239)
o Product Owner of « Trade Platform » and “Quality & Catalog” Feature team (Agile @Scale): Grooming meetings, prioritization, Demo and Sign off meetings.
Creation and management of an French-African Concept Restaurant in Angers :
o Creation of concept, design, offer. Set-up, operational management, communication, client relation management
Central Bank of West African States, wants to monitor microcredit actives all across his economic area. Therefore, they want to enforce their capabilities in collecting and consolidating client’s exposures in a Data warehouse.
Main role – Senior Business Analyst
o key dialogue partner for end users, participate to the scoping of the project, Collect Business requirements, write functional specifications, conduct testing & organise U.A.T
o Liaise with stakeholders (Business, IT & external contractors), provide inputs for Steer Co presentations
Additional role - Project Management in support of Program Director
o Participate to writing of request for proposal, validation of technical specifications, fallow-up delivery accordingly to roadmap
o Support to internal It teams (Use case dependent Data Storage Strategy)
o Management of the Proof of Concept (Initial lot developed by an external contractor)
o OLIMPIA : Losses & Provisions (In house tool)
o SCOPE : Operational Risk Cartography & consolidation system (From editor Enablon)
o PRiSM & SPARE: Controls, Recommendation and Action Plans (From editor Enablon)
Role and responsibilities
o key dialogue partner for end users, collect Business requirements, in charge of functional specifications, testing & U.A.T
o In charge of technical specification and delivery for in house applications.
o Provide support to end users, ensure application availability, timeliness & data freshness
o Liaise with stakeholders (Business, other IT teams, Editor Enablon & contractors)
o Conduct governance meetings (Steer Co, OpCo & Workshops)
Additional roles
o Back-up of Credit & Operational Risk department manager. Provide coaching to junior project managers of the department
o key dialogue partner for statutory auditors
o Participate to global Governance & global budget constitution process (For all applications of ...
Summary : 13 years of experience in CIB Risk Systems Management contributing to transform small, unstable and narrow scoped applications to cross assets, cross Business Lines and worldwide broadcasted applications with more than 2000 users. Transformation occurred in a context of strong regulatory commitments with ECB (CAD, Basel 2, Basel 3), merging with Credit Lyonnais CIB, Subprime Crisis and major IT transformation programs as building common shared referential & Inventories, optimization of capital allocation & regulatory ratios. My role evolved from developer, team leader, to project and global application manager with responsibilities on budget, staff management (ramp up, ramp down) including career management for internal employees. All along this way, the leitmotiv was to meet stakes of the bank, of his clients, and at the same time transforming artisanal applications to industrialized, robust, secured and scalable ones, with certified data.
Enslavement of Front Office referential tool « Book Manager » to ASTRE. Book Manager was the former referential of all P&L and NBI analytical Structures on CIB scope. This stream was managed as a project as scope is very sensitive and impacts all Front Office tools.
- ARES Project: Setup of target tool for PFC « Pilotage Financier »l. Contributing and assisting Business and IT teams to fulfil all their needs based on ASTRE data.
- Several improvement or decommissioning topics on enslaved referential and assisting more than 50 clients) (decommissioning of ACTIVITE referential, refactoring of ENOX referential, Data Quality on MAPPING referential…)
- GREEN WEIGHTING FACTOR Project: A very Innovative initiative aiming to green Natixis portfolio in the context of fighting back climate change. Stake was to steer business by making decisions in monitoring impact of new deals on environment. Therefore, each new business opportunity is evaluated using a Bonus/Penalty approach to weight ex-ante RWA. Natixis was the first big bank to set such a policy and initiative was presented at the UN General Assembly in 2019.
o Key dialogue partner for Business and IT teams, in charge of understanding stakes, business needs and prioritizing demands
o Assisting Business and IT in the Change Process and collecting new Business requirements
o Writing functional specifications, testing the new features, leading User Acceptance Tests and collecting Business Sign-Offs.
o Support to end users and internal It teams
Additional roles
o Promoting a Data Management Approach and initiating the Data Dictionary of ASTRE system.
o Acting as key correspondent on Data Management topics and produced the “Analytical Structures Referential Data Governance Charter”