Ref : 190627B003-
Chef de projet, Directeur de projet, Scrum Master (43 ans)
MobilitéTotalement mobile
StatutBientôt freelance
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

Senior Product Manager @
S.A.R.L. DxO Silicon Group2016 - Jan 2017Integration of the Product Management team within the Agile process of the company. Product
Management and Product Strategy of
• the DxO ONE miniaturized and connected camera (hardware, software and application)
▪ Camera market’s state of the art study of WiFi, LiveStream and other undisclosed
features to fine-tune the developments to be released
▪ Camera market study in order to prioritize the features to be developed
▪ Redaction of Product Marketing Requirement documents for the application,
software and hardware evolutions and for the next cameras of the Product Range
▪ Market watchfulness and benchmark. Monthly report to top management
▪ Briefing of the Communication Team and follow up of the Release Communication
Plan for the Product Management Team
• the DxO desktop photo retouch softwares (DxO Optics Pro, DxO ViewPoint, DxO FilmPack)
▪ Briefing of the Communication Team and follow up of the Release Communication
Plan for the Product Management Team
▪ Overview of UX usability studies (internal and external with beta-testers)
Program Manager @ Coyote System S.A.S. -
Co-Founder & CTO @ Caveasy
2016 - aujourd'huiCaveasy is designing the First Connected Wine Cellar. Our current mission is to bring our first
products to the market.
• Conception of the First Connected Wine Cellar (electronics, mechanics, software, app, etc)
• Product and corporate strategy in order to bring the product to the market
• Creation of a successful crowdfunding campagne (Indieogo)
• Management of Caveasy’s participation to CES 2018 in Las Vegas
• Management of the Request For Proposal for the manufacturing of Caveasy’s product -
ACHIEVEMENTS Coyote IoT device conception2015 - Jan 2016
Coyote is developing the first IoT device for car. I have been in charge of the full
system conception and team management
o Design of the new product concept (marketing targets, product values, …)
o Business model definition
o Setting-up and management of the Team (10 people)
o Design of the complete solution (device, needs to fulfill, user experience,
service definition, marketing offer, …)
o Internal evangelization of the concept and product
o Reporting and demo to top management -
Jan 2014 - Jan 2016
• Car infotainment system
Coyote was developing a new business through a partnership with French car manufacturer PSA (Citroën, Peugeot, DS). Coyote developed a whole infotainment system (hardware & software).
o Management of business discussions with PSA
o Setting-up and management of the internal team (10 people)
o Architecting the solution, based on partner expectations (services, hardware, software, …)
o Management of the project & product development (KPIs, budget, schedule, reporting ; design, features, Product Briefs)
o Adapting Coyote product development process to PSA’s methods
o Management of the design team to customize the user experience
o Selection of Asian industrial manufacturer -
Jan 2013 - Jan 2014
• Coyote Assure (Insurance offer dedicated to Coyote’s community)
o Project management of the partnership developed with Allianz Group
o Adapting Coyote’s process to Allianz’ methods
o Setting-up of a cross organizations communication process between Coyote and Allianz Group teams -
Jan 2013 - Jan 2014
• New product range: Coyote Nx (Budget > 700k€)
o Project starting. Retrieving of the concept from top management
o Setting-up of the French team (40 people)
o organization with the actual team
o Improvement of the existing Product Life Cycle process
o Management of the internal team (40 people in France) and external (15 people in China)
o Project steering (technical KPIs, budget, schedule, Top Management reports)
o Product management (management of a junior product manager)
o China-to-France management (supplier selection, business discussion management, industrialization follow up, manufacturing preparation, delivery follow up)
Jan 2012 - Jan 2016
Coyote is designing, producing and selling electronic connected devices that help drivers to know
the place of road events (speedcams, police controls, accidents, traffic jam) and up to date speed limits.
Coyote manages the electronic design, the manufacturing (in France & China) and handles all the
software (embedded, front end, back end). Coyote owns also more than 25 selling points across Europe.
Coyote has a community of customers of more than 5 Million of users across Europe, including
more than 1 Million of electronic devices. Coyote’s service is also integrated in car manufacturers in-car
solutions (Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Toyota, …).
• Technology monitoring
• New growth areas identification
• New business partners identification
• New project / POC set-up
• Sourcing
• Dimensioning and setting-up of project teams
• Development teams management
• Product development
• Program management
• Sub-contractors / suppliers management
• Budget, team and schedule management -
• Coyote Nav (Budget > 400k€)Jan 2012 - Jan 2013
o Project management (technical KPIs, budget, schedule, Top Management reports)
o China-to-France management (supplier selection, industrialization management, manufacturing preparation, delivery management)
o Industrial issues mitigations (LCD screen marking issue, mechanical break-up issue of the product bracket) -
OYO by Coyote (Budget > 200k€)Jan 2012 - Jan 2013
o Steering of the device development (hardware, mechanics, software)
o First China-to-France partnership for Coyote
o Setting-up of the best process within the existing teams: the Product Life Cycle
o FIRST Coyote Product to be DELIVERED ON TIME
Embedded software team leader @ Coyote System S.A.S. -
Jan 2011 - Jan 2012
• Setting-up of software industrial processes and methods in order to meet expected delivery deadlines
• ACHIEVEMENT: first software update to be DELIVERED ON TIME
Embedded systems software engineer @ Coyote System S.A.S.
Preparatory school year for technicians at EISTI – France.
2003 -
Superior Technician Certificate (BTS), Technical Engineer Assistance – FRANCE.
2002 -
Bachelor’s degree.
1999 -
Computer science Master’s Degree / Engineer Diploma, EISTI – France Ingénierie des SYstèmes COmplexes (Complex systems engineering)
Program management
IoT & Mobile
Corporate strategy
Team management
Product management
Product strategy
Electronics & Mechanics
French: native language
English: fluent
German: beginner