Thomas - Architecte ORACLE
Ref : 090517M001-
Consultant, Développeur, Architecte (47 ans)

StartingOrange enabled 3G+ network capabilitiesJan 2008 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of services for 3G enhancement capabilities of Common API gateway with the help of Orange CMS custom commands added to the CMS service oriented interface.
Technologies involved: Oracle 10G, JMS, MDB, AXIS, JAX-RPC, JAXB, JCS, Oracle Application Server, LHS/CMS BSCS8… -
J2EE Consultant //LVL-Technologies
CanadaJan 2005 - Jan 2006Employees Portal prototyping for TELUS, Canada's leading telecommunication company.
>Technologies involved: Tomcat, Servlets, Spring (middle tiers), Struts, JDO / MySQL, Castor XML, Log4j, Junit, Jmeter, Eclipse, Subversion, Ant, Linux.
>Design/Development/Integration of a prototype “webcentral” gathering several services such as a day planner, webmail, websms, online TV guide, and allowing end users to be notified when special events occur by providing an alert mechanism.
This portal is aimed to be multi-platforms as it is accessible from several devices like set-top boxes for the digital tv world as well as a web site through a rich client application. -
OTA developer // Gemplus Global Services CanadaJan 2003 - Jan 2005
Gemplus Global Services Canada, first provider of smartcards based solutions for cell phones operators in north& south Americas
>Technologies involved: J2EE, IOC Apache Avalon framework, Eclipse, Oracle, Hsql, Ant, CVS, hibernate, Apache velocity, servlets, Tomcat, Windows, Linux, Junit, Log4j, XML, cruise control..
>Java server side development of gateways interfacing between customer’s information systems such as banks, operator backbone, and cell phones through SMSC (short message services centers) platforms.
Participate in the overall server side architecture and in the functional requirement specifications documentation. Unit testing and development of simulators for integration testing. -
Web developer
CardiwebJan 2002 - Jan 2002Five months internship completing my final year of studies
Technologies involved: JAVA/J2EE, Tomcat, struts, JSP, Servlets, Resin, HTML, XML, javascript, flash..
> Website design, functional specifications and development for the « Caissechirurgicale et médicale de l'Oise (CCMO) ».
>Design of Java applets and Flash animations. -
Card Software developer // ActivCard
ActivCard is a leading provider of PKI solutionsJan 2001 - Jan 2001ActivCard is a leading provider of PKI solutions
>Technologies involved: Java, JavaCard, Cryptography functions PKI/RSA, Dll in C.
Four months Internship in Paris.
Development of security operations in the phases of initialization and personalization of smartcards (CryptoFlex and SmartCard For Windows) -
J2EE Consultant
Orange Caraïbe currentlyaujourd'huiDesign/Development/Integration of CommonAPI, that is a CRM common gateway interfacing Orange’s front end applications with customer management, rating, and billing solution BSCS8 from LHS. CommonAPI exposes CRM business APIs as web services, in a services oriented architecture way to Orange applications (billing, dunning, provisioning…).
>Technologies involved: Oracle 10G, JMS, MDB, AXIS, JAX-RPC, JAXB, JCS, Oracle Application Server, LHS/CMS BSCS8…
Context: Orange Caraïbe moved from LHS/BSCS V5.0 to V8, indeed in the newest version, all clients’ applications had to access the BSCS8 system through a CMS server (CORBA). The purpose of the CommonAPI gateway was to provide a single access point to BSCS for all applications built on different technologies such as PL/SQL, java... -
Quality analyst // Gemplus Global Services Canadaaujourd'hui
>Evaluate workload, Plan and execute Smartcard’s validation strategy campaign (stress testing, non regression test, functional, integration),
>Technologies involved: C, Java, XML, STKML, Visual Studio, GSM 11.11, GSM 11.14...
>Testing tools and model development Execute/Analyze tests results.
Take necessary steps/initiatives to lead the validation tasks to successful completion.
Define, select or develop required validation tools/campaigns and archive them, train development teams for their unitary tests.
>Write the Validation documentation in english regarding the project.
>Raise any quality issues and make recommendations.
Technological and Technical Skills
OS Platform: Linux, UNIX, Windows 2000/XP,.
Information Systems: Internet/Intranet/Extranet-related technologies (JSP, Servlets, HTML, XML, XSL, HTTP…)
Languages: Java, C, Ada, prolog…
Frameworks: J2EE, MVC2 (Spring, Struts, JDO, Hibernate)…
Servers administration: OAS10g, Tomcat, Jetty…
RDBMS: Oracle 9i 10g, MySql, HSQLDB
Design: Object programming and design patterns, UML
Security: PKI, Certificates, Cryptography, Smartcards, telecom security
Telecom: GSM 11.11/11.14, Short message services platform 03.40/03.48
MISC: Eclipse, Maven, Ant, CVS, Subversion.
Academic Qualifications
Masters degree in Computer Science Paris Dauphine University, France 2002-2001
Majored in information technologies and e-business
Computer sciences programme Concordia University, Montreal, Canada 2001-2000
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science
License Informatique Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France 2000-1999
(equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science)
DEUG Economic Sciences Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble France 1999-1996
Diploma of General universitary studies (equivalent to two years at University)
Majored in Maths and Economic sciences.
OS Platform: Linux, UNIX, Windows 2000/XP,.
Information Systems: Internet/Intranet/Extranet-related technologies (JSP, Servlets, HTML, XML, XSL, HTTP…)
Languages: Java, C, Ada, prolog…
Frameworks: J2EE, MVC2 (Spring, Struts, JDO, Hibernate)…
Servers administration: OAS10g, Tomcat, Jetty…
RDBMS: Oracle 9i 10g, MySql, HSQLDB
Design: Object programming and design patterns, UML
Security: PKI, Certificates, Cryptography, Smartcards, telecom security
Telecom: GSM 11.11/11.14, Short message services platform 03.40/03.48
MISC: Eclipse, Maven, Ant, CVS, Subversion.
Academic Qualifications
Masters degree in Computer Science Paris Dauphine University, France 2002-2001
Majored in information technologies and e-business
Computer sciences programme Concordia University, Montreal, Canada 2001-2000
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science
License Informatique Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France 2000-1999
(equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science)
DEUG Economic Sciences Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble France 1999-1996
Diploma of General universitary studies (equivalent to two years at University)
Majored in Maths and Economic sciences.