Michael - Consultant OPEN SOURCE
Ref : 090726R001-
38190 LAVAL
Architecte réseaux, Consultant, Développeur (48 ans)
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Freelance Founder of Origin Nexus2013 - aujourd'hui
service and software company in high value added networking and RESTful web
_Django REST Framework, AngularJs, FreeRADIUS, MQTT
Design and development
o network management and security software with a REST and event driven backend.
o reservation system for a real estate company with PayPal and PayPlug payment solutions.
o unified authorizations & network management (802.1X) for a service company specialized in aeronautics.
o REST back-end for aggregating metrics from sensors.
Network and Security Expert in a IT infrastructure & services company.
Partnership with Network RADIUS, support company of FreeRADIUS, world’s most popular RADIUS server. -
2009 - 2013
Co-founder of Mancala Networks, network management and security software editor.
Technologies: Asterisk VoIP, Linux, Nagios, openVPN, Zimbra, FreeRADIUS
o Product Manager for the “Network Controller” product in an agile development process.
o Pre-sales management.
o IT Manager: Management of internal and production platforms.
o Supplier management.
o Sales and deployment of a device inventory system in 9 offices of an NTIC company.
o Design and implementation of demonstrations used in pre-sales, meetings and shows.
o Design and management of the development of VoIP, RADIUS and IPS/IDS modules.
o Design and implementation of the core of the “Network Controller”, main product of the company.
Technologies: FreeRADIUS, Perl, Network Access Control, Software Defined Networks
IT Manager 2006 - 2009
Quiconnect, integrator specialized in wireless and inter-connexions between operators like BT, Sprint, Orange to
enable intuitive and easy roaming user experience.
IT Management:
o Company IT Strategy over the 4 Offices : Grenoble, London, San Diego and Hong Kong.
o Internal and Production Platform Management.
o External services and providers.
o Definition, evaluation and ordering of software products for the Development and Service Delivery Teams.
o Management of the move to new premises of the Grenoble and London offices.
o Reliable Collaboration Suite to enable maximum efficiency of all staff.
o Single User Repository for easy management for IT needs as well as HR ones.
o Reliable and cost effective phone system (VoIP with “free” calls between offices).
o Overall coherent, open and secure IT infrastructure.
o HelpDesk Ticket System, Remote Access and Asset Management. -
2002 - aujourd'hui
Specification of a service of mail send proof for the Department of New Services of the French Post.
Specification and implementation of Internet services for the French Department of Education: election result
capture, search engine on official bulletins.
Specification and Integration of messaging services for a French Internet service provider (“Lyonnaise Cable”
that became “Noos”). -
Technical Leader
2001 - 2005Imelios, subsidiary company of Steria and The French Post, computer engineering service company specialized in
security and electronic exchanges.
Migration and Maintenance of "La Poste.Net", public webmail of the French Post:
Management of the project on the technical aspects:
o Architecture and services definition (Mail, News, Delegated Administration).
o Setting up of the technical infrastructure (MTAs, Storage, DNS, routing, security, high availability…).
o Exploitation procedures and supervision definition.
o New services specifications.
o Level 3 technical support.
Management and Technical Coordination between Paris and Sofia Antipolis teams.
Platform Evolution:
o From 1 million to 4,5 million mailboxes (1,5 TB to 6 TB storage).
o Traffic: 10% upgrade per month.
o New functionalities: SMS, centralized administration, Anti-Spam…
Starting from the migration in July 2002, “laposte.net” has been regularly rated as one of the best French webmails for
its reliability and its speed. -
Single Sign On & Directory Expert
Steria, Paris,1999 - 2001"Engineering and Enterprise Communications” department
Implementation of a Single Sign On infrastructure based on SiteMinder from Netegrity, in a mixed environment
Unix/NT for Snecma’s client portal.
Implementation of a Common Authentication Process Airbus based on Certificates.
Proposition writing for an online solution for the French income declaration. This solution is now online since
Studies Engineer SUPÉLEC degree
Languages French: Native English: Fluent Spanish: notions
Python, Javascript, CSS, Perl, PHP, Bash, C
git, svn, gitlab
Jasmine, Karma, Protractor
Frameworks Django REST Framework, AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap
Databases PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, OpenLDAP, MySQL
Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat), Unix (Solaris, BSD), Windows
LAN, WAN, 802.1X, IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention System), SSO (Single Sign On),
Mail Systems,PKI, SDN (Software Defined Networks), NAC (Network Access Control), UTM
(Unified Threat Management), BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
MQTT (Mosquitto), RADIUS (FreeRADIUS), IDS (Snort, Suricata), VoIP (Asterisk), VPN
Studies Engineer SUPÉLEC degree
Languages French: Native English: Fluent Spanish: notions
Python, Javascript, CSS, Perl, PHP, Bash, C
git, svn, gitlab
Jasmine, Karma, Protractor
Frameworks Django REST Framework, AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap
Databases PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, OpenLDAP, MySQL
Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat), Unix (Solaris, BSD), Windows
LAN, WAN, 802.1X, IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention System), SSO (Single Sign On),
Mail Systems,PKI, SDN (Software Defined Networks), NAC (Network Access Control), UTM
(Unified Threat Management), BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
MQTT (Mosquitto), RADIUS (FreeRADIUS), IDS (Snort, Suricata), VoIP (Asterisk), VPN