Ales - Consultant KONDOR+
Ref : 090520V001-
14700 PRAGUE (République Tchèque)
Consultant, Business Analyst (57 ans)
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

PreFIS – Ministry of Finance Czech Republic, position: TREMAJan 2007 - aujourd'huiTREMA Finance Kit (Wall Street Systems) treasury management system support, occasional support about 1-2 man days monthly.
Kondor+ Consultant
Komercni banka Prague (Societe Generale)Jan 2007 - Jan 2008Business analysis, preparation SKK to EUR changeover in investment banking systems (Kondor+, Reuters BO system KTP, other in-house interfaced systems). Building documents: Expressions Of Needs, Test Targets, Test Scenarios, Test Data, Project Plan etc.
Approx. 5 mandays per month -
TREMA Consultant
PreFIS - National Bank of SlovakiaJan 2006 - Jan 2009TREMA Finance Kit treasury management system implementation.
Leading business workshops, analysing client requirements.
Creating formal description of the target functionality.
Suggestion of solution architecture and data models for e.g. auctions procedures, mandatory minimum reserves, eligible assets management etc.
Architecture for calculating Value at Risk RiskMetrics datasets based on historical data in a database for VaR calculations (planned Perl development).
Creating strategy for static data and deals migration from legacy systems to the new one.
The contract is not directly with NBS, it goes via a consulting company PreFIS, Bratislava. Utilisation 11 mandays per months. -
LBBW Bank CZ, position: Kondor+Jan 2006 - aujourd'huiReuters Kondor+ remote implementation in Prague with access to Vienna server (12 users, small project, one man show).
Explaining Kondor+ functionality, mainly FX position keeping.
Building workaround for the local currency CZK profit loss calculations, retrieving Czech cen-bank official rates (SYBASE T-SQL development, FTP script and MS Excel small VBA development).
Adding functionality for back office: client confirmations based on Kondor+ database with layouts built in MS Excel.
Customisation development, e.g. adding margin trading functionality to Kondor+, nostro account cash flow reports, FX position for local currency CZK (Vienna server uses EUR), etc. (Mostly SYBASE SQL, UNIX Bourn shell and Perl development.)
Troubleshooting Reuters Dealing 3000 interface.
After finishing project, occasional support about 1-2 man days monthly. -
Kondor+ Consultant
DEXIA BankJan 2006 - Jan 2006Short change project realising Kondor+ and Kondor Global Limit (KGL) responsibility move from one department to another one.
Kondor+ application, administration and custom reports development training for the new Kondor+ administrators.
Building sample SQL custom scripts with automation using Kondor+ ReportBatch and UNIX Bourn shell script. -
position: Kondor+ Project Manager and Consultant
Vseobecna Uverova BankaJan 2005 - Jan 2005Migration from TREMA Finance Kit to REUTERS Kondor+ and KGL (24 users).
Starting as a Reuter’s employee, finishing the project as a freelancer.
Building project plan, preparing weekly project management meetings, managing Reuters consulting resources from SK, CZ, RU and F.
Configuration for FX and MM markets: writing business studies with agreed configuration.
Supervising a junior consultant configuring security market.
Clarifying yield curve calculations, profit loss methodologies, cost of carry etc.
Creating the strategy for migration weekend, keeping continuity for positions, PL, cost of carry on FX positions.
Development of batch deal interfaces from Kondor+ to data warehouse system and portfolio management system (SQL, UNIX sh script development).
Architecture and development for interfaces to Kondor+ (KplusImport utility automated with PERL script).
Transferring market values to back office system (Kondor+ report script, using ReportBatch and UNIX sh script for reformatting the results, FTP transfer script).
Kondor+ Custom Windows development for extra data saving and adding functionality to Kondor+ deal capture (e.g. more details on stock exchange brokerage fees, changing default values selected on MM deal capture).
Development of external calculation of cost of carry index and importing to Kondor+ database using KplusImport (PERL scripting).
Writing documentation after development of each customisation. -
Freelance Financial Systems Consultant
Commerzbank Prague2005 - Jan 2006Outsourcing treasury management system, Reuters Kondor+ administration and maintenance.
Clarifying and recalculating Kondor+ results, like market values and profit / loss calculations, bond accrued interest, cost of carry, Gap Analysis etc.
Development of SYBASE T-SQL code, K+ Open Reports, UNIX Bourn shell scripts, Perl scripts.
Takeover of old report scripts, their enhancements.
IT administration tasks: establishing SYBASE backup routines, full UNIX UFS file dump procedures, building scripts for creating UNIX user logins, installation of some simple UNIX software like Adobe Reader, maintaining Kondor+ standard documentation (HTML and PDF format).
Troubleshooting Kondor+ KplusBatch error messages.
Administration of internal contribution server (DDS) with the contribution tool Reuters Powerplus Pro.
Administration of Reuters DACS system. DACS daemon installation on Kondor+ servers.
2.5 mandays per month. -
Job position: Senior Treasury Solutions Consultant
2000 - 2005 -
REUTERS (full time regular job)1997 - 2005
Job position: Customer Relations Executive1997 - 2000
The main projects:
06/2004-01/2005 PPF Banka, position: Kondor+ Consultant
o REUTERS Kondor+ and Kondor Global Limits (KGL) implementation
o Acting as a business consultant (FX, MM, yield curves configurations, PL on bonds, other methodologies description, limits configuration, etc.)
o Acting as a Kondor+ developer (K+ Custom Windows, K+ Open Reports, K+ deal tickets, custom calculations on limits utilisation).
Formal Education
1991 - 1995 Master of Science: Mathematical and Computer Simulations
Graduated from the Charles University of Prague, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the spe¬ciali¬sa¬tion of Mathematical and Computer Simulations in the Science and Engine¬ering. Most im¬por¬tant topics were classical and modern numerical methods for non-linear problems and partial dif¬ferential equations.
1993 Half year scholarship staying at the University of Pavia, Italy
1986 - 1991 Master of Science: Teaching of Mathematics and Physics
Graduated from the Charles University of Prague, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the spe¬ciali¬¬sation of Teaching of Mathematics and Physics.
Knowledge and skills overview
• Financial markets
• Risk management
• Reuters product range, mainly Kondor+
• Sybase SQL programming
• UNIX Bourn shell script programming
• Perl scripting
• PostScript language (basic)
• VBA programming (Excel, Windows VB scripts)
• .NOT framework C# programming
• General project management skills
• English language, driving license
A series of articles on financial theory with focus on FX and MM position keeping, interest rate risk and margin trading was published in the magazine Financni Management 1-3/2006, 6/2006, 2/2007.
Internationally Recognized Certifications
1994 Microsoft Certified Instructor
1996 Microsoft Certified Professional
1998 Reuters General Market and Product Certification
1999 ACI Dealing Certificate
2000 ISMA General Securities Market Certification
1991 - 1995 Master of Science: Mathematical and Computer Simulations
Graduated from the Charles University of Prague, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the spe¬ciali¬sa¬tion of Mathematical and Computer Simulations in the Science and Engine¬ering. Most im¬por¬tant topics were classical and modern numerical methods for non-linear problems and partial dif¬ferential equations.
1993 Half year scholarship staying at the University of Pavia, Italy
1986 - 1991 Master of Science: Teaching of Mathematics and Physics
Graduated from the Charles University of Prague, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the spe¬ciali¬¬sation of Teaching of Mathematics and Physics.
Knowledge and skills overview
• Financial markets
• Risk management
• Reuters product range, mainly Kondor+
• Sybase SQL programming
• UNIX Bourn shell script programming
• Perl scripting
• PostScript language (basic)
• VBA programming (Excel, Windows VB scripts)
• .NOT framework C# programming
• General project management skills
• English language, driving license
A series of articles on financial theory with focus on FX and MM position keeping, interest rate risk and margin trading was published in the magazine Financni Management 1-3/2006, 6/2006, 2/2007.
Internationally Recognized Certifications
1994 Microsoft Certified Instructor
1996 Microsoft Certified Professional
1998 Reuters General Market and Product Certification
1999 ACI Dealing Certificate
2000 ISMA General Securities Market Certification