Aiman - Consultant DATASTAGE
Ref : 120619A002-
75002 PARIS
Consultant, Business Analyst, Data Analyst (42 ans)
MobilitéTotalement mobile
StatutEn profession libérale
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

Michelin Clermont (France)Jan 2017 - aujourd'hui
Projet BIM (BI for Maintenance)
Mission Participer à la réduction des couts de maintenance en produisant des rapports sur l’activité de maintenance, le stockage et la consommation des pièces détachées dans le monde entier pour optimiser la gestion des pièces détachées
Développer les flux ETL de diverses sources vers un Datalake et du Datalake vers un datamart dédié pour alimenter les rapports à destination du business
Suivi du déploiement et activité de DEVOPS pour assurer la qualité du delivery
Migration de projets DataStage depuis la version 8.7 vers la version 11.3
Réécriture et retrodocumentation d’applications pour être aux normes MICHELIN
technologies DATASTAGE 8.7 & 11.5 – ORACLE 12 – MICROSTRATEGY – AIX – LINUX – SVN – JIRA
Federated DataMart Framework – Robot Framework – Jenkins Integration continue -
IBM Service Center Lille (France)Jan 2017 - Jan 2017
Projet PSS, phase 1
technologies DATASTAGE 11.7 – AIX – W méthodologie
Mission Adoption d’un nouvel Enterprise Data Ware & Marts à la CNP
Alimentation du Data Warehouse pour générer les rapports à destination du business pour analyser les opérations
Budget and estimate the effort to address business and / or technical requests
Analyse d’impact, spécifications et prise en charge des développements -
ING BANK Bruxelles (Belgique)Jan 2017 - Jan 2017
Projet BIM (BI for Maintenance)
Mission En application du plan de reprise d'activité, la banque ING s’est dotée d’Oracle RAC et les bases de données se doivent d’être répliquées à toute heure
Maintenir et créer des réplications en temps réels des bases sous Oracle technologies IBM IDR and CDC - ORACLE RAC 12C -
Role: Senior ETL developer
Jan 2016 - aujourd'huiETL Designer, DataStage 11.5, FMSB, Brussels (Belgium)
Environment DATASTAGE 11.5 – Qlikview – CDC – DB2 – MAINFRAME ZOs
Context of the project
Perform migration of real time transactions from old target system to newly designed target system to support regulatory reports needs
Roles and Responsibilities
ETL development & Business Analysis support -
Role: BI lead
Jan 2013 - Jan 2016Strategic BI, ETL (DataStage 11), Reporting (Cognos 10), EUROCLEAR, Brussels (Belgium)
Context of the project
Build robust reporting solutions for regulators (NBB, BOE…), end customers and various business functions (safekeeping fees’ invoices, funds valuation, settlement instructions, liquidity management…) using best ETL practices
Perform applicative migration to Information Server 8.7 & Information Server 11.3
Roles and Responsibilities
Plan the migration of old DataStage infrastructure 8.7 to the new platform 11.3 including risk assessment and fall-back action plan
Coordinate the migration of all projects from Information Server 8.7 to Information Server 11.3 in production environment
Validate the parallel run in production
Document the steps of the process and report to management
Provide confidence to top level management and obtain green light to go to production
Analyse, architect, design, develop, test, validate and release various BI products including EDW and data marts using dimensional modelling
Automate the replication of data from Mainframes & SQL Server to Sybase using different ETL techniques including DataStage
Provide data lineage and impact analysis
Budget and estimate the effort to address business and / or technical requests
Design, develop and maintain Cognos Framework models and reports
Support & enhancement of existing Cognos Framework models and reports
Second line of support to production (hotline), release management, change requests -
_Senior ETL developer
Jan 2012 - Jan 2012ETL Designer, DataManager, UNION BANK OF NIGERIA, Lagos (Nigeria)
Environment COGNOS DATAMANAGER – ORACLE 11 – COGNOS BI 8 – Agile methodology (SCRUM)
Context of the project
Rebuild the Enterprise Performance Management system after a fatal database crash: Enterprise Data Ware & Marts
Roles and Responsibilities
Analyse (Reverse engineering) and document the previous Enterprise Performance Management solution and its implementation
Model and build (architect, design, development, test) a new Data Warehouse solution using Cognos DataManager and create scorecards, dashboards, reports using Cognos BI
Develop ETL jobs to map Flexcube database / business inputs to the Data warehouse
Use Cognos DataManager to read various sources and load data into Oracle database
Specify and perform impact analysis for design changes and change requests
Developments, tests, release packaging, deployment, agile methodologies (SCRUM) -
Role: Evolving role - Technical Architect- ETL lead designer
Jan 2010 - Jan 2012Technical Architect/Lead Designer, DataStage PX 8.1, TESCO BANK, Edinburgh (UK)
Environment DATASTAGE PX 8.1 – ORACLE 11 – DB2 – UNIX – Subversion – Agile Methodology
Context of the project
Greenfield Banking Environment: Enterprise Data Ware & Marts using IBM IIS Enterprise 8.1 (full suit Information Analyser, Quality Stage, Fast-track, Metadata Workbench)
FMIT – Release 2 (Savings and Loan products) and Release 3 (Credit Card)
Populate the Banking Data Warehouse (IBM) to generate banking reports to the business
Roles and Responsibilities
Design/specify and develop ETL jobs to map third parties’ systems data and TescoBank EDW held in Oracle database
Type of inputs: ASCII / COBOL / EBCEDIC / XML generated by IBM DB2 Mainframe system
Specify and perform impact analysis for changes and defects
Tune performances and fine timing to allow the batch to complete processing huge inputs
Support business during the UAT phase (coaching sessions, training, hotline support)
Implementation of agile methodology - Framework Approach, Standards, Governance
Developments, tests, release packaging, deployment -
Role: Senior ETL developer
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010Developer/Analyst, DataStage PX 7.5, ALSTOM, Paris (France)
Content of the project
DWHATMSF – Reporting project: populate the Data warehouse using DataStage 7.5 to generate Financial and Supply Chain reports
Roles and Responsibilities
Specify and perform impact analysis for change requests and defects
Evolutive and corrective maintenance,
Performance tuning
Developments, tests, release packaging
Documenting retrospectively -
_Evolving role - ETL developer - Technical Architect - Lead Designer - Project leader - Analyst
Jan 2007 - Jan 2009Technical Architect/Lead Designer, DataStage PX 7.1, BPCE, Paris (France)
Environment DATASTAGE PX 7.5 – ORACLE 9I – UNIX – SAS – FERMAT ALM – W model (waterfall)
Content of the project
SSMAD – Migration project: populate the Data warehouse in order to feed FERMAT software and create ALM reports
Roles and Responsibilities
Audit and redesign drastically the technical solution (Performance tuning)
Add a monitoring layer to identify which tables have been refreshed among the 300 tables
Manage the team (2 technical experts).
Project management (daily meetings covering functional and technical aspects) -
Role: Junior ETL developer
Jan 2007 - Jan 2007Developer DataStage Server, NATIXIS, Paris (France)
Roles and Responsibilities
Customize DataStage server jobs to feed PeopleSoft HR
Developments, tests, release packaging
Technical documentation
IBM Cognos TM1 – Administer the Technical Environment v10.2
2012 -
IBM Certified Solution Developer – InfoSphere DataStage v8.5
2012 -
Master Degree in Business Intelligence
University of Lyon graduate, Lyon (France)2012 -
Erasmus Semester,
University of Economics, Cracow (Poland)2004 -
Master Degree in Marketing
Burgundy school of business graduate, Dijon (France)2002
Level A, Mathematics, Physics, Lyon (France)
DataStage PX 7.5 / 8.1 / 8.7 / 11.3 / 11.5, Cognos BI suite 10, Power Designer, Toad
Sybase IQ 15.4 / 16, Oracle 9i / 10g / 11g / 12, DB2, MySQL, SQLServer, PostgreSQL
ERP SAP R/3, EDW BDM, PeopleSoft, Business Objects XI R2, Cognos BI 8 / 10
Unix (shell, scripts), AIX, Linux, Mainframe, Windows
French Native
English Fluent