Sofiane - Développeur JAVA
Ref : 210311S001-
1020 BRUSSELS (Belgique)
Développeur (37 ans)
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

Senior Full Stack JAVA Programmer consultant
- Silitech ConsultingJan 2021 - aujourd'huiLooking for a freelance JAVA mission as a Silitech consultant
Technical referent and Senior Full Stack JAVA Programmer –
Miclat AlgeriaJan 2014 - Jan 2020Project:
METHODOLOGY: Agile Scrum. TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Eclipse, Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Rest, ReactJs, Tomcat, Sql server, Junit 5, SVN
Issuance of civil status documents on the internet.
Technical referent and backend JAVA developer with a team of 6 persons.
● Implementation of the design and architecture of the application
● Supervision of development team
● Development of a system that allows citizens to have civil status certificates via the internet without
having to go physically to the administration
● Deployment configuration
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Java Threading, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Quartz, Maven, JavaMail,
GlassFish, SSL certificates, Sql Server, GIT, Eclipse, Junit 5, JasperReport
Development of a dashboard for IsticharTic project.
Full stack JAVA developer with a team of 5 persons.
● Development of back and front parts of a dashboard for the IsticharTic project -
Software Engineer Public Sector
– (Wilaya of Mascara)Jan 2011 - Jan 2014Project:
METHODOLOGY: V-Model TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 6, NetBeans, JSF, Glassfish, Hibernate, JasperReport, Linux, Mysql, Openldap, Ant
Development of MyAdmin workflow.
Full stack JAVA developer.
● Development of a workflow system to connect all services of the administration in order to manage
the work.
● Web Deployment
● Ubuntu server installation and configuration
● Mysql server installation
● Training -
Role: Full stack JAVA developer with a team of 5 persons
Project: IsticharTicaujourd'huiTasks:
METHODOLOGY: Agile Scrum TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Eclipse, Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Tomcat, JavaScript, Sql server, Svn, Junit 5, SVN
● Development of a system that allows citizens to be involved in the local development of their
municipalities by choosing or proposing the most important projects for them, and to give their opinions
and comments -
Role: Full stack JAVA developer with a team of 5 persons.
Project: Development of a civil status web portal.aujourd'huiTasks:
METHODOLOGY: Agile Scrum. TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 7, NetBeans, JAX-RS/JAX-WS, JAXB, JSF/Primefaces, JavaScript, Ajax, Dozer, Hibernate, GlassFish, SSL, Sql Server, JasperReport, Ant, Junit 4
● To provide access to ministerial sectors users to consult citizen’s information and download official
documents delivered by the Miclat via a user web interface -
Role: Java developer/T-sql developer with a team of 6 persons.
METHODOLOGY: V-Model TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 7, NetBeans, JAX-WS, SoapUi, Postman, JAX-RS, Spring Boot, Spring Rest, Spring Data, JPA, Sql Server, Glassfish, Tomcat, SSL certificates, JWT, JasperReport, SVN, Maven
Expose different services of the Miclat to all ministerial sectors.
● Development of API to provide access to ministerial staff to consult citizen’s information and download
official documents delivered by the Miclat like civil statute’s certificates, residence certificate…etc, to
reduce the number of documents requested in administrative files about citizens -
Role: Java developer/T-sql developer with a team of 6 persons.
Development of modules to improve data quality and communication between municipal institutions.
● Implementation of a communication system to allow all municipal institutions to collaborate,
consolidate, centralized and coherent civil status database
● Implementation CLR search function
● Development of custom I/O data filters
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 7, Swing, JasperReport, Sql Server, C#/T-Sql, NetBeans, Ant, Advanced Installer -
Role: Full stack JAVA developer.
METHODOLOGY: V-Model TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 6, NetBeans, Swing, JavaFX, Sql Server, JasperReport, Ant
Development of a software pack for the various municipal services that allow entry and issuance of official
documents for citizens.
● Development
● Deployment
● Database server installation/backup jobs
● Training
UML conception accelerated training
2016 -
J2EE Technical Advanced
2016 -
Computer science engineering degree
– Mascara University2010 -
High school diploma in natural science
Languages JAVA, J2EE, C, C++, C#/T-Sql
Frameworks Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring MVC, Spring Rest, Spring Security
JSF/Primefaces, Hibernate, JPA, Angular, Swing, Quartz, JavaMail, JAXB,
JasperReport, Junit, ReactJs, JAVAFX, Mockito
Design UML
Technologies Tomcat, Glassfish, SSL certificates, JWT, Rest, Soap
Tools and DevOps Docker, GIT, Gitlab, SVN, Ant, Maven, Eclipse, NetBeans, Postman, Advanced
Installer, Jira, IntelliJ
Databases Sql Server, MySql, JDBC, PL/SQL, T/Sql
Web HTLM, CSS, JavaScript, JAX-RS/JAX-WS, SOAPUI, Thymeleaf, Ajax, Json
Others Dozer, UNIX/Linux
French Fluent
English Fluent