Gervais - Administrateur système JAVA
Ref : 220523B001-
34100 Ya YAOUNDÉ (Cameroun)
Administrateur système (44 ans)
MobilitéTotalement mobile
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

2020 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of a mobile base (flutter) for a car wash point: dolphin
wash project. -
2020 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of a web base and mobile (react Native and JS) for road
infraction control a payment (mobile money integration): SAPAR Project. -
2019 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of a web base and mobile (react Native and JS) base
application for User phone identification and security (Mobile money integration):
EASYPROTECT Project, spring boot for the backend. -
2019 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of a web base and mobile (react Native and JS) for user
attack declaration: SOSLOCATOR Project. -
IT Consultant
at IA'SJan 2015 - aujourd'hui• design of development of a management application and monitoring of logging in
Europe: platform InfoSylve.
- Establishment of the sqlite database for disconnected workstations (desktop and mobile)
- Development of backend API,
- Definition of synchronization mechanisms and protocols between the postgres central
database and the sqlite database, mobile clients (running on android and heavy client
computers (desktop running on Windows),
- Management of team (react native developers) using agile methodology,
- Management of the sources using git,
- Continuous development, integration, deployment and testing, using Jenkins and its
• Java PC Developer for the project "Development of Forest Information Management
Information System" (SIGIF).
- Establishment of the sqlite database for disconnected workstations (desktop and mobile)
- Development of SWING GUIs.
Definition of synchronization mechanisms and protocols between the oracle central
database and the sqlite database, mobile clients (running on android and heavy client
computers (desktop running on Windows). -
IT Consultant
at IAI Cameroon(teacher)Jan 2015 - Jan 2019• Conceptualization of the information system and development of data processing
tools :
- Desktop application mounts for lesson planning, production of transcripts, teacher
• Teacher of Object Oriented Programming (Advanced OOP) and WEB
Programming, software implementation. -
Jan 2015 - aujourd'hui
• Project Manager at FLYSOFT Engineering SARL
2015 - 2020
Design and development of a rent management web application
(mobile money integration): MAISONIER project
Tools use in the project: JSF, EJB for the old version and spring boot, react native for
the mobile version. -
2015 - aujourd'hui
Design and development of a cellular network planning simulator. SWING +
image and card processing.
• Project Manager and Team Leader.
- Lead research and development services
- Coordinate and follow the activity of the developers
- Test and train new developers.
- MTN Mobile Money and Orange Money integration -
Jan 2014 - Jan 2015
• InnovSoft: Designer, Project Manager and Training Manager
- Design and development of a java desktop application for automatic processing of the
search engine by SMS of the LBF service: desktop application SWING. Exploiting a
Postgres database and using the API smslib3.5: LBF Project
- Design and development of a java desktop application for recording and duplicate
- Design and development of a web java (EE) application for inventory management:
Master in Software engineering
University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé2014 -
Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé2011 -
Baccalaureate series
Lycée Classique de Bafousam
ï· Développement Back End: J2EE / Spring / Springs Boot / SWING / JAVA FX / Oracle
ï· Système d’information géographique : Qgis / ArcGIS
ï· Développement Front End : HTML 5 / CSS3 / thyme leaf.
ï· Gestion de projet : Jira / Trello / Scrum / Bitrix 24
ï· Base de données : MySQL / MongoBD / PostgreSQL / SQLite /Oracle /
ï· Design: Ireport / ITEXT pdf
ï· IDE: NetBeans / SqlDeveloper / Visual Studio Code / Eclipse / JDevelopper /
ï· Technologies serveur application: Tomcat / Oracle weblogic / glassfish / arcgis server
ï· Versioning Tools: Github / Gitlab / SVN
ï· DevOps: Docker / Kubernetes / GitLab CI /CD / Jenkins / selenium / VMware /
proxmox / Autres Technologies: SOAP / VisualVM / Dbeaver / 4D